Solstice Natural Skincare – awaken your inner Earth Goddess
It’s that time of year when thoughts and focus shift from the fresh, citrusey, beachy smells of summer to the harvesty and the turning of the leaves in the run up to the winter solstice.
Natural, organic and Fairtrade skincare company Solstice Skincare follow exactly this principle – taking inspiration from the changes an the scents and ingredients of the season.
Solstice Natural’s products are manufactured in the New Forest. The water element in our products is New Forest spring water and we endeavour to source local natural ingredients and partners wherever possible. Kathy Giffin, founder and creator foraged the beautiful New Forest and Southern counties for wild fruits, berries and plants and recreated historical folk recipes which were very popular at the local farmers markets.
Here’s an overview of the range;
Beltane is May Day, a time of fertility and union. Associated with love and flourishing life. Captured with our scent of heady floral blossoms and symbolised with a vivacious red.
Imbolc is a celebration of the earliest signs of spring and the rebirth of the sun warming the earth after the dark of winter, this is captured with the scent of our sweet, floral and crisp perfume and is symbolised with a vibrant light green.
Lammas is the first harvest festival, a time when the suns energy is decreasing as it devotes its life force to ripen the fruits and grains of the earth. Captured with our scent of fruits with warm woody undertones and symbolised with a rich warm red.
Litha is the Summer Solstice, the height of the sun’s power and when true summer begins. Captured with our scent of fresh, herby citrus notes and symbolised with a radiant orange.
Madron is the autumn equinox, it is the height of the harvest when most has been gathered and is a time to discard old habits and look forward to new beginnings. Captured with our scent reminiscent of vanilla and pomegranate and symbolised with deep russet orange.
Oestara, the spring equinox is a celebration of equilibrium. The balance for life is set, the earth is warmed and prepared for new growth. Captured with our scent of fruit and flowers with a hint of fresh grass and is symbolised with a warm yellow.
Samhain is the end of the old year and start of the new. A time of remembering when old spirits are welcomed back. A time of feasting and fun, also known as All Hallows Eve. Captured with our scent of rich, ripe apples and warm spice and symbolised with a mellifluous mauve.
Yule is the winter solstice, daylight starts to lengthen and it is a time to reflect on what has gone before. A time to rest and enjoy peace. Captured with our scent of fresh, crisp, herbaceous notes and symbolised with a winter green.
The above fragrances are available in body wash & body lotion. They also created a skincare range of moisturises, toners and cleansers with natural plant ingredient for specific skin types (although not in the huge range of frageances above)
Price for most items is £15.50 – £19.50 which is very reasonable considering the care, love and attention put into these products.
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