Post Pandemic Job Opportunities
It’s fair to say the world has changed. A lot. From the complete shutdown of international travel for leisure to the onset of public awareness of climate change, these last couple of years have been challenging for many industries and careers in general.
Do we think travel will come back in a big way? It’s hard to say – humans have always had a strong mix of wanderlust and the need to settle and have roots, so it’s likely that at least for the foreseeable, holiday travel will be back on the menu in some shape or form. Will it be like pre-1950’s travel and only for the affluent and famous? Will we return to beachside trips to Skegness and Cornwall – with hanky hats and fish suppers? It’s not the worst location in the world – having been to Morecambe and North Berwick recently – there is plenty fun to be had. Loads for the kids to do – they don’t care of course – as long as there’s a beach and an ice cream van and if parents can time holidays to take in events such as Fringe by the Sea it can be enjoyable and cultured for all.
Short trips for southerners into France are also still possible, those Brittany beaches and short ferry hops can offer a great foreign holiday for families and couples. Then there’s European city breaks which will begin to open up as the restrictions ease. Travel agencies will need to adapt and find new ways of being profitable as their mainstays of long haul travel itineraries are still a way off – with many countries still being being embargoed due to Covid. That trip of a lifetime to Beijing or Tokyo is just going to have to wait a little longer.
So what does this say about the future of luxury travel recruitment opportunities? It’s very likely that with the lack of low cost travel going on just now, mixed together with the climate change initiatives that are raising awareness about excessive airline transport – that the rich and affluent will still take their luxury ski holidays and trips to the Caribbean as they always have done. They may have less choice and options – but the luxury ski resorts have had visitors since the 1920’s, before commercial air travel started and with no other stressors, will continue to do so. It just may mean for those without the budget, that the ski trip is now an occasional trip instead of twice a season.
Taking the pandemic out of the equation, as if that wasn’t bad enough for our annual beach holiday then winter ski trip, we are slowly being introduced to the ravaging effects of climate change. Since the 70’s, climate scientists and “hippies” have been on at us about the deep spiral we were heading into. They called it global warming. They said it was caused by fossil fuels and we had to pull back on our use of them. Instead, the international travel industry boomed – people started backpacking to all parts of the undiscovered world, Alaska and Antarctica became tourist destinations and the enclaves of the rich and famous, like the ski slopes and the south of France became open to us all.
Instead of fighting the use of fossil fuels – we went full tilt into travelling all over the world and having amazing experiences, taking regular and multiple beach holidays with half the extended family. Airline costs came crashing down to the point where you could get a flight for £27. People like Stelios (Easyjet) and Michael (Ryanair) became multi millionaires and bunged hundreds of planes in the sky every day. And now we are here. What is the moral obligation? Climate change is now mostly irreversible and we are beginning to see, in places like Canada, California, Greece and Australia, that the consequences are catastrophic.
Given the right budget and tools, there are one group of people who can help mitigate some of the effects and come up with ways for the human race to continue to co-exist with the plant – rather than ravage her resources.
Engineers hold the key to eliminating our use of fossil fuels in aviation, vehicles and other sources and design ways of harnessing electrical, wind, solar power as well as possible ways to protect areas at risk. There are hundreds of electronics engineering opportunities to get involved in – from software to electronics and R&D engineering. The power of the human mind has brought us this far and hopefully, with a strong adjustment away from fossil fuels, we can continue to enjoy sunny foreign beaches and ski slopes whilst protecting the environment. It’s our engineering minds, our creative abilities that will find us a solution to co-exist with the environment and it’s important that our brightest female minds get the encouragement and inspiration to become engineers.
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