Micro-Pedi top choice for on the go mums!
In amongst all the fragrance, flowers and bottles of fizz there are some real gems of gifts for Mum. My Mother will be getting this awesome footcare gift as she works 12 hour shifts in hospital theatres and is on her feet a lot of the day. If you keep your feet nice and buffed down especially in the heel area and side of the big toe it can be more comfortable standing for longer periods of time and less rubbing and chance of corns or bunions.
I’ve used various contraptions such as the ped-egg, the battery operated ped-egg and other buffing products but nothing compares to this gem – it’s hands down the best footcare product I’ve owned/tried!
The buffing part spins at 30 times per second and it’s ergonomically pleasing to hold as well as easy to rotate and get to the backs of your heels without attempting contorsionism. Once you’ve buffed – finish off with a nourishing foot oil, I love the Peppermint oil from Tulecos.
Available in lots of shops such as Boots, Argos Feel Unique from £25-£30 so shop around for the best price!
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