Keep your dog excited with Pooch Pack!
Pooch Pack Dog Box Subscription
I often feel sorry for doggies who eat the same old food every day – it must get really boring!
Pooch Pack is a great way to inject a little excitement into your dog’s life. And yours!
How does it work?
You subscribe to the Pooch Pack Service – either month to month, 3 or 6 months and tell them what kind or size of doggie you have.
Then you sit back and wait for your goodies to arrive! It does work on a mystery goodies principle – just because you see someone with something in theirs, doesn’t mean you will get it in yours.
So what did your dog get?
Well – Wilson got a number of great items which we will go through.
Doggie Biccies. These are quite plain in flavour but Wilson seems to like them none the less. I used them this morning to reward his good behaviour at not barking at the vacuum cleaner. They are quite firm in texture so they are brilliant for shoving inside a kong bone to keep them distracted for a while! (while you do the vacuming perhaps) and you can break them into about four pieces (you can’t get them much smaller than that) to treat with but they aren’t ideal for training treats long term.
Now this orange thing is brilliant – it’s called a Roxxter and if Wilson hadn’t snaffled it, ran off to the other side of the garden with it and proceeded to chew the flute off (don’t worry – it’s pretty tough – Wilson is a PROLIFIC chewer with extremely sharp teeth) then we’d be using it as a great mental stimulation toy. You drop treats of any size into the flute and the dog has to knock it around to get them out. Sadly from the get go all Wilson wanted to do was chew it (which he does with everything) so I sat with him and showed him how it worked and how to get the treats out. All was going well till he decided to leg it. But for those with sightly more obedient, less cheeky pooches you will find this a fun, distracting and stimulating toy. If your dog is like Wilson – confiscate immediately as soon as they look like they want to chew it and keep doing this I guess till they get it!
There were two bags of chewy, natural treats in the bag which I really liked! Sweet potato and papaya. Both super dried to achieve an extremely chewy consistency. In Wilson’s paws they last a few minutes but he rather enjoys them and again you can cut them up (you need scissors they are EXTREMEY tough) and insert them into a kong – either with something else like mashed food, banana or a little peanut butter for stickiness. I wouldn’t cut them too small as they may get stuck in their throat if they don’t chew properly as some dogs are fond of inhaling their food. About half to a quarter is enough to make them chew it.
The pet food supplement looks high quality so it’s a great inclusion in the box – I’m not sure as Wilson is only 8 months old if perhaps I need to wait till he’s a teeny bit older but I’m sure it will keep!
You can’t quite see in the above image so here is a close up below but this is a soft, round casing with a keyring attached where you can stuff your dog poo sacks into! You can attach it to the top of their lead or to your belt, whatever suits you but saves you have to rummage around looking for a sack or worse still keep them in your handbag and suffer the embarrassment of them falling out when you go to reach for a lipstick!
Finally – a tester sized sample of a dog shampoo which is rubarb scented! I thought this was nice and unusual so it’s a helpful addition. Wilson has a fairly short coat so he doesn’t get loads of baths as we can brush most mud out when dried but when he does it’s lovely to pull him close and snuggle his lovely soft fur and the Rubarb scent makes it all the more pleasant!
So there you go! That’s what’s in a Pooch Pack Sorry the pics are a little fuzzy but he rarely sits still!
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