Find Serenity in Staycations
If you are looking for a slice of serenity during your staycation – the first thing to ask yourself is do you stay put or roam around?
Grabbing yourself a lovely slice of country life is a great way to escape people and the rat race of the cities and towns and the chaos of modern life. Getting away from it all used to mean a deserted beach on a far flung island or some fabulous wilderness escape in Alaska.
Nowadays we are more limited in our excursions as the world ebbs and flows between lockdowns and passports without ever knowing when you book a flight which camp you will end up in. The canny wanderluster looks to fix her craving following the path of least resistance and finds her sanctuary and serenity closer to home.
Few places can offer such a guaranteed departure from the trials and tribulations of the “new normal” than an idyllic lodge snuggled in the rugged countryside of the British Isles. Searches are rocketing for luxury cottages including pools across the country as savvy travellers are realising that a staycation is the only sure fire way to get a holiday at the moment.
Some of us find sanctuary in being led around on holiday – having someone else be responsible for where to go and what to see and that can mean the difference between switching off and relaxing or not. Internationally – group tours have always been very successful for this very reason and coach holidays in the United Kingdom are enjoying a boom thanks to restrictions overseas.
Which type of holiday is right for you? Let’s start with the company.
If you like to travel alone or with a close friend and not have to worry about driving – then one of the tour options would work well for you. Why not try travelling to Aberfoyle near the Scottish Highlands, where the scenery is so stunning you just want to be able to stare out the window at it for hours. Trust in the planning of the itenary to take you to some of the most peaceful and interesting lochs, villages and local crafts and either revel in getting to know your fellow passengers or just drift away into a daydream.
If you are more independent and like having your day completely open to chance or just prefer to sit all day by the pool reading a book then you should definitely look at the cottages with indoor swimming pools! A fabulous luxury touch – the indoor pool in the UK is a really huge bonus and regardless of the weather you can get those “holiday feels” of sheer relaxation. The bigger cottages you would probably split between your crew – maybe those family members you been desperate to catch up with over the last couple of years – your gal pals or even for a birthday celebration with a special touch! What’s more extravagant than having your own pool? It’s certainly something that would keep any kiddies entertained on a family holiday without having to pack for visiting a swimming pool, getting in the car and driving to it. With the great British weather it’s a safer bet than the British seaside isn’t it!
Whatever you choose – remember to stay safe and follow all health guidelines to ensure you only go home with good memories.
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