Best part time jobs to have as a mother
Although being a mother is a full-time job in itself, it doesn’t pay the bills. If you are looking for ways to earn a bit of money whilst also balancing your motherly duties, then a part time job is your best bet. Of course, some part time jobs can be quite restricting, so it’s important to find one that allows you to be flexible. Before starting your job hunt, make sure you have a well prepared resume. You can easily create a resume by using a resume maker.
The best part time jobs to have as a mother include:
Uber Driver You drive the kids everywhere, so you might as well use your well-practiced skill to earn a bit of money! Being an Uber driver is easy to get into as all you need is a drivers licence & a PCO car. Also being an Uber driver means that you can work flexible hours and still be back in time for the school run or bedtime. Becoming an Uber driver is an excellent way to get out the house and meet people from all over the town. Who knows, you might even end up driving a friend around.
Personal Trainer If you are passionate about fitness and health, then the next step is sharing your enthusiasm with others… while getting paid! With the help from discovery personal training, you can learn all the skills you need to become a personal trainer. From here, you can start your very own business or work part time at the local gym. This will help you to keep fit, spend time with your child, and do something you love.
Retail Worker If you’re a bit of a shopaholic, then working in retail is a great part time venture. If you’re lucky enough to work at your favourite store then you’re likely to be entitled to discounts – what a dream! The great thing about working in retail is that your shifts will be aligned with shop opening times, meaning you probably won’t have to start too early and you’ll even be home for evenings with the kids.
Make Up Artist You’ve likely forgotten what a full-face of makeup looks like since having kids, but if you have a steady hand and miss those eyeliner flicks, why not consider becoming a make-up artist? You’ll be able to fit clients around your schedule and can even make them come to your house if you can’t leave the kids. Becoming a make-up artist means quick and easy cash, at your own rates and hours.
Virtual Assistant If leaving the house really isn’t an option and your tiny tot needs constant attention, then set up base at the computer and work from home. Becoming a virtual assistant usually consists of doing general admin tasks for various busy-bodies around the world. Depending on who hires you, this job can pay reasonably well and eliminates the usual hassle of commuting and office nuisances. As you can see, there are many jobs available which are suitable for mothers. It doesn’t matter what your skills are or what your schedule is like; if you want a part time job, you can find one. What will your next venture be?
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