Can you wear pink eyeshadow?

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Rimmel seems to think you can 😉  It’s now the height of summer so now is the time to be daring with your makeup and try out colours you wouldn’t normally wear.  Discount cosmetics sites like Fragrance Direct who sent us these unusually pink colours for review – are a great place to buy something and not feel guilty when you wear it once and put it to the back of the drawer!

Rimmel Glam eyes Trio in Fever (£1.65) and Maybelline MNY My Blush in 401 (£1.50) Although there’s no way I would wear this as a blush it is definitely a highlighter for my skin tone.

What do you think of these colours? Would you wear such a blatant pink?


Right three horizontal stripes is Rimmel Glam Eyes Left is the Maybelline “blush”


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