Poundland makeup haul
Poundland can be very hit and miss makeup wise – you can’t really swatch anything and you can only pick out of the colours that are there. Everything is arranged in little hanging pouches but for £1 a pop you can pick up a few good bargains!
Sleek lipsticks. Okay colour – pink is a bit washed out and the beige is more bronze than it looked on the colour tab on the bottom. Not overly long lasting either. Even though they are £1 I would probably not purchase again due to lower quality and would rather save up and get a better one.
Nivea lipstick (light blue packaging) This one is a lovely colour, sweet rhubarby shade of pink with a nice consistency. Good bargain for £1- lasts okay better than the Sleek ones.
Rimmel Colour Mousse in “Mermaid” Stunning shimmery blue colour. Very summery and wouldn’t pay more than £1 for this very unusual colour as it would be used very infrequently. Another excellent bargain.
Maybelline Jade mascara in blue. It’s a lot lighter blue than I’ve seen in blue mascaras…kind of like a petrol blue. Nice though – good consistency and doesn’t smudge. Great for £1.
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